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Not Your Mother's Mid-Life
Currently Closed for NEW Enrollment
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Not Your Mother's Midlife!
Details below!
Attention Midlife Women...
I'll be the first to say that my mother was the absolute BEST (at everything!)
The perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect grandmother, and then some! I laugh now, thinking about how she was more than happy to live out the rest of her life settling into her roles as one would settle into a blanket on a cold, rainy Saturday afternoon. But unfortunately, my mother never got the chance to live out the rest of her years, well, at least not here on earth. She passed away at the young age of 64. And I've often wondered if there was more she wanted to accomplish but never had the support, resources, or that person to show her all the magnificent qualities she possessed.
That was 13 years ago—around the same time I entered mid-life. Since then, I've been on a quest to uncovering my ultimate purpose of existence on this earth. My mother's story has inspired my mission to see women go to the limit of their God-given potential.
I created the N.Y.M.M. membership to redefine what middle-aged womanhood means. My coaching niche is women's mindset and vision strategizing. I work with
mid-life women (40 and over) who think because they're growing older... there are no other options available. I'm here to tell you... that's the farthest from the truth! I'll be 53 in a few months and I'm still uncovering my potential every day, and I'm enjoying the journey. Yep, I'd like to think I'm aging backward.😄 Within the past four years, I've written two books and started my coaching business (from scratch), and I'm only beginning. All of this started as a vision from God, and to see it come to fruition... is the best feeling ever! This all happened in my late 40s and early 50s. So, if I can do it, you can too. In the membership, I'll show you how.
I consider this my dream job... showing women how to manifest their brilliance and showcase it to the world. It's remarkable seeing women go from doubting they can have a successful and fulfilling second-half, to envisioning that success, to actually living it!
As a tribute to my mother and all those women (who have gone before us), whose dreams and desires were cut short for whatever reason—we owe it to ourselves (and them) to leave no stone unturned when it comes to living out God's vision for our lives. The best part... it doesn't matter if you're 45 or 65, you're never too old to rediscover your life (I'm living proof)! You can learn more about me here or (if you're pressed for time) the short version here.
As a Believer, I believe in giving back. My desire for this membership site is to offer a low-cost and effective way for women—just like you—to have access to affordable tools and resources to help them thrive in their second chapter of life. That's why I priced it at a price that makes it an easy decision. Keep reading to find out what's included!
So what will you get inside the membership?
I made sure when creating this membership site, to include products and services that I felt would best help you on your way to success.
'Flourishing After Forty Boost' Bundle
A beautifully branded bundle of personal and professional development resources delivered every month catered to the mid-life woman. All designed to help you move forward.
Monthly themes centered on all or some of the following: Mindset Mastery, Health and Wellness, Self-Care, Life Purpose, Women's Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Career Development, Goal-Achieving, Business and Social Media Marketing.
Bundles may include all or some of the following: ebooks, mini-courses, reports, checklists, exercises, workbooks, tools and tips, worksheets, infographics, and more.
Community Connection
Entry to my private Facebook group, where you can connect with other like-minded women, ask questions, start discussions, etc.
Member Perks
As a valued member, you'll receive exclusive discounts on my signature and premium programs and packages.
Group Mentoring
A monthly Group Zoom Q & A session with me where you get support on your transformation journey. Connect and network with other visionary women, get an accountability partner, and more.

Join now at the introductory price! As a founding member, you'll not only get the introductory price, but you'll lock in that price for the duration of your membership. Price increases to $14.97 March 1, 2021. However, if you decide to cancel your membership, but rejoin at a later date, this discounted price will not be applied to your new membership.
As an N.Y.M.M. Member
Every month, you'll get:
The 'Flourishing After Forty Boost Bundle'
Entrance into my 'private' Facebook group
Discounts on my signature and premium programs and packages
A monthly Group Q & A session with me. Hosted on Zoom.

Closed for New Members. To get on the waiting list for the next enrollment period, please fill out the form below.
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