Launch Day!
Updated: Apr 3, 2021

Well, today is the day! All the hype and work that goes into writing, formatting, editing, publishing and promoting your book comes down to this. It all comes down to - if it was all worth it. Since I'm writing this post before I can see actual results, I can't determine if it was or not - a bust or success that is. But, proving from the pictures, I've got a feeling that launch day is going to be a success. Pictures don't lie!
I actually hit the publish button, Tuesday, August 2nd. Nine years to the date of my mother's death. It was definitely a bitter sweet moment for me. I so wanted to pick up the phone and tell her all about . . . sigh, oh well. For all of you detailed people, who will probably notice the publishing date for my book as August 1st . . . I promise you, I hit the publish button August 2nd - 9:45p at that . . . go figure! Must be some quirk Amazon has.
According to Google and the Amazon community forum, it should have taken me anywhere up to 48 hours for my book to be uploaded, published, and ready for the world to see. But to my surprise, it only took 15 mins, yep, you heard - 15 minutes! To say, I wasn't ready tho, was an understatement! I chalked it up as God's favor! I pray for it everyday!
And yes, when I saw my book on the Amazon website, I had - as my friend Chris said - that "so excited, I can't breath" feeling! The tears came rolling! For those of you who don't find this news that exciting . . . could you just let me have my moment, please. And for those of you who have labored on a project - your baby - and you finally see it come to fruition, there's no greater feeling. And just as I was slowly coming down from my euphoric book publishing high, THIS was in my KDP back office! Yep, that's right . . . my book at numbers one on two lists and sixty-five on another, AND featured as a "Hot New Release" in two different categories! ! Okay, it was only for weekend, but hey, I'll take that! :-)

I don't think I've done this much research since my last term paper. With all that searching, I'm sure I could probably write a book about creating a book, lol. Naww, I think I'll pass. I've got about ten of them in my Kindle reader already. Formatting my book was a pain - to say the least - but I can thank my old faithful friend . . . Google. Yep, you can find out how to do just about anything. I think the greatest satisfaction in writing this book, was I learned everything on my own. Yeah, getting information from someone else is an awesome thing, but when you find it on your own, you'll have it for life.
So what's next, you ask? Well, I've almost completed my first novel, Shattered Image. Just trying to figure out that last epic battle between the protagonist and antagonist. That's the war going on in my head right now. My fiction writing friends know exactly what I'm talking about. :-) And of course, I can't forget about little Miss Penelope P. Reed and her cast of friends. Can you say, I'm absolutely loving this life! Getting a chance to sit down at my laptop and create these books with these colorful characters. I'm also working on the second book in my "Real Talk" series. This one is going to be about parenting and just as candid and real as my relationship book. So put your seat belts on, lol!
Be on the lookout in the upcoming weeks. I'll be discussing some of the chapters from Real Talk. So if you want to converse and have a pow wow about my book . . . join me! But, you gotta subscribe so you'll know when I'm posting. Just to be fair, I'll give you a few weeks to read it. Insert not so shameless plug here → So go get your copy!
*UPDATE: After writing this post, my book climbed to #22 and #28 on two paid list! On one those list, my book was next to John Maxwell's book!!

* What projects are you working on?
* How close are you to finishing?
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2017 Michell Pulliam “The Cultured Life” blog by Michell Pulliam