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Are You Living Life Well?

Writer: Michell PulliamMichell Pulliam

Updated: Jul 25, 2023


Okay, so I thought this whole "blogging about my books routine" was going to be my new writing prose. But I soon realized that was for the birds.

Don't get me wrong, I love writing my books, but (for me) blogging about me writing my books can become quite redundant and boring at the least. So, It was time to let that gig go and get back to doing what I love doing - blogging about topics that appeal to my readers and to me, for that matter. Which leads me to the segue to what I'm writing about today.

I'm sure you've noticed that I've revamped the site a little and have even named my blog. *clears throat* and *pats self on back*. The cultured life, you ask? Yes, the cultured life indeed. I've been enamored with this word for about two weeks now. Not that it's some new word or anything. But have you ever had a moment when something awakens in you and you finally "get it". Well, that happened to me.

I won't take all the credit though. I did have some help from an awesome gal I met on the internet by the name of Tonya Leigh. She challenged all of her readers to find a word or phrase that speaks to their iconic self. And not the typical word we bloggers find ourselves picking at the beginning of each year (because it's the "thing" to do) - but ask us a month later and we have no idea what it was. Nope, she challenged us to find a word or phrase that encompasses who we want to be. And then choose a trait or feeling associated with that word, that we want to embody, then focus on doing and being that. I can't go into depth on this post, but I highly recommend you read her post here (very enlightening).

Yeah, I know it sounds a little cliche', but I promise you, it's not. You see, I myself want to leave a legacy. And I'm not talking about a "she lived and she died" kind of legacy, no, I want it to be a "she made an impact and changed many lives" kind of legacy! A Maya Angelou, Queen Esther, Marie Curie, Phillis Wheatley, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Susan B. Anthony, Coco Chanel, and Harriet Tubman kind of legacy. Yeah, that's the kind of stamp I want to leave on this earth. Some may even think I'm being arrogant for wanting this, but that's perfectly okay. I say, if I don't work my entire life wanting to leave a legacy, then I'm selling myself short. One thing all these women had in common, is that they had a vision they were passionate about. And they worked faithfully to see that vision come to pass, without a care in the world of who thought they were crazy or who liked it or not.

You see, that's the kind of life I want to live! An unapologetic one! Listen, I'm knocking on 50's door and life is too short for me to deprive myself - of doing what God wants me to do and being exactly who He's called me to be - because I'm concerned about how it makes others feel. I don't have time for that and I'm sure you don't either! Which leads me to my post title. The question I'd like to ask everyone who's reading this post. Are you living your life well? Are you living your life to it's maximum potential? Or are you only peeking through the peep hole, afraid of who's toes you'll step on if you - dare I say it - actually live! And not just live, but live the John 10:10 (part B, AMP) kind of life - AKA "The Zoe Life"! And if you don't know what that is, I recommend you watch this! Remember, I'm living my life unapologetically and I advise you to do the same!

I named my new blog , "The Cultured Life", because the word I chose (you guessed it) is "cultured". It embodies everything I believe in and desire to be. Every task I put my hands to, every blog post and book I write, every word I speak - I want them to be seasoned, enlightening, and exquisite. To make a difference. To cause people to think, and inspire them to do and be better. Yes, I'm putting myself out there by saying this. But, I'm also putting a demand on myself to purpose to live a life "well-lived" everyday! And you know what? I'm up for the challenge. So what about you? Are you ready to live your iconic life?

If not, I'll be cheering you on until you're ready. If you are, you've come to the right place. Every post I write from now on, will challenge us all to live every area of our lives "cultured" - (experienced, well-bred, polished, creative, cultivated, elegant, refined, advanced, educated, enlightened, global, stately, well-versed, tasteful, chic, classic, impeccable, noble, connoisseur, intelligent, pleasing, well-informed, prepared, savant, beautiful, and wise).

It's your turn. What word embodies who you want to be? And what will you do to incorporate it into your everyday life?

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2017 Michell Pulliam ”The Cultured Life" blog by Michell Pulliam

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